Saturday, August 25, 2007

Where Am I Going, I Just Don't Know Yet

Just to paraphrase Kenny Loggins from his song, "I Would Do Anything" from the album, "Leap of Faith." I first heard the album, in its entirety, on a 1991 flight from Chicago back to my then hometown of NYC, and, at the forefront of the new personal journey I had embarked, this album spoke to me like no other as a reflection of my life. I think I wrote KL an email at some point thanking him for his eloquence and clarity.

I used to like to say that album saved my life. Well, it definitely was a big part of my growth.

We reach crossroads often enough in our lifetimes and have to look at everything long and hard. Glancing is not enough.

So I keep making promises to myself to engage myself more deeply in my music. There are more than a few great loves in my life, and you know who you are, but music. She grabs me and grabs me and I say, jeez, get off my bum. Yet she persists, nudging me daily.

So I happen to be standing on a rock in flowing garments with a guitar and someone happens to take a picture and I say, hot damn, this is going to be a great album cover, who woulda thunk it, that I would just be here hanging out in Maine and my album cover would appear.

I gotta bridge somewhere in Brooklyn for sale too. :-)

All set up, of course, but I didn't have to Photohop a thing. Pure 100% Zonker on the rocks. With a twist.

This will be the photo of my album cover. The first step. After all the other steps I've taken over the last hrumty-something years writing songs from the heart.

So I am on the journey, but I am not sure when I will know just where I am going. Yet.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

R.I.P. Phil Rizzuto

Here's one Yankee fan who will miss his presence on this earth. Holy Cow, Phil, and thanks.