Friday, December 15, 2006

What's Nu?

This post is based on a mutual Googling experience my friend The Yant and I had last week.

Someone she knew (nu?) had an email with the domain extension .nu. This was new (nu?) to both of us.

"What the heck is .nu?" I mused, both of us laughing uncontrollably––in the middle of the day, on the telephone. "I've never heard of this." So both of us, she in New York and I in Greenville, begin the Google process.

I hit paydirt straightaway.

"Oh, look, it says it's some country called Nuie that has sold all these new (nu?) .nu (nu!) domains." So, nu? Oy!

Further investigation led us to several websites telling us about this new (nu?) country, around only since 1974 and seemingly a province of New Zealand.

It looks really beautiful. Their main export is coconut cream along with lime oil. The entire island closes down on Sunday because the natives are devout.

Then I read the meaning of the name. "Nuie means, 'Look! There's a coconut!'"

More uproarious laughter ensued.

We apologize to the residents of the tiny island of Nuie for our laughter at their expense. We hope you will find it in your hearts to forgive us.

I really must say I appreciate coconut cream and lime oil in all of its manifestations. And if I am ever in Nuie, and also The Yant will be there with me, we will probably be able to find lots of coconuts for you, if you just invoke the solemn word, "Nuie!" or its English equivalent, "Look! There's a coconut."

Well, you learn something new (nu?) everyday.

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