Monday, October 18, 2010

Let's Get This Party Re-Started

Jeeeeeez Louise. It takes me forever and a day to get motivated to post something. Since the road to hell is paved with good intentions, guess where I will most likely land?

I will be back to talk about my recent obsession with Gumbo YaYa and why it's now so easy to make a roux.

Most importantly, we'll talk about some of the insanity I never get to on other social networking sites.

My mother gives me assignments and calls practically every day. She is 74 years young and, just like the guy whose father says s***, she is awesome. Mainly because she comes from a long line of malapropists, including my late grandma, who used to collect cans of food for "the migraines" (migrant workers) and collect Nubian statues "from Hades" (that would be Haiti). So I'd like to use this place to relate the Sandy stories, which are well-known with friends and some family, but since I get almost daily largesse, it's my responsibility to inform the masses.

I have a nutty best friend whom I won't even allow into my midst on Facebook because he uses bizarre punctuation. He also speaks in some vernacular that can only be translated with one of those decoders from a box of Corn Flakes circa 1956. He has an opinion on everything. So I have to keep him at bay. I think he translates better into the spoken word. He's a frustrated actor who really needs to be on the stage...well, he makes his own stage every day and I love him to bits but he types faster than I do so Facebook would become a stranger place than it already is. I am his straight man, the Abbott to his Costello, the Hardy to his Laurel. He says something weird, I give him "the look." We shatter into shards of unrestrained laughter. We are the great undiscovered comedy team.

Stay tuned!

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