Monday, October 16, 2006


Speaking with my sister this weekend, she mentioned at some point during our conversation that she liked Firefall. And that there was nothing wrong with that. I of course immediately concurred.

We are children of the '70s. Back then, growing up in Miami, there was an "elevator music" station called WLYF, Life-FM. My brother used the music from the station to create some of his incredibly silly and wonderful taped "commercials" about wheelchair races and "the Norland Senior High Art Show." WLYF was so sappy and so not even Mancini that it was truly only meant for parodies. I have learned that WLYF still exists, but has evolved to "adult contemporary," which means, in essence, they now play Firefall. And there is nothing wrong with that.

In all likelihood, they also play Ambrosia, and England Dan and John Ford Coley, and Player and Ace. Oh my. It's today's elevator music. I am now qualified and perhaps certified as a big nerdy over 40 child of the 70s.

Don't get me wrong. I am also the hip mother of an 11-year old and I know my Kanye West from my Ludacris (clean versions only, thank you very much). I still bop to a world beat and I still like my Sid Vicious with a sizzling side of Elvis Costello. I mourned the demise of CBGB the other day. I did my best "Wayne's World" imitation to "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the car today.

But I am not ashamed to admit: I like Firefall. And all those other guys. Half of my iTunes library is testimony to that. Maybe that doesn't make me so hip. But it sure is comfortable and wonderful and will most certainly augment those future wheelchair races with aplomb.

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