Sunday, November 05, 2006

Falling for Greenville

I couldn't let autumn slip by without documenting some of the incredibly gorgeous colours and blue skies we here in Greenville have been lucky to experience. Supposedly this is the best autumn in 20 years.

I took to the road (on my way to various and sundry places on Friday, such as Whole Foods and Easley), and, with my trusty camera, was involved in "drive by shootings." This meant I just pointed and clicked whilst driving; didn't even look out the viewer, just shot and hoped for the best. This resulted in some cockeyed images but I got the gist of the vibrance of our Appalachian foliage:

The foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where we are located, is ablaze yet the leaves are beginning to fly like snowflakes.

I am not feeling particularly prolific this evening but wanted to show some of the beauty of our area. So a picture speaks a thousand words.

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